Notice of company name change
We are pleased to advise that Chain Applications Pty Ltd has officially changed its name to Certex Lifting Pty Ltd.
The Rigging Shed, Lifting Victoria, On Call Lifting, Elevate Lifting & Rigging, and Schillings Hoisting Equipment are now unified under the same Certex Lifting Pty Ltd name.
We have not changed our legal entity, just our legal entity name. Our ABN / ACN remains the same. For now, there are no changes to our bank accounts.
You can now see our new brand nationwide with new CERTEX Lifting signage proudly displayed at our Adelaide, Geelong, Kalgoorlie, Melbourne North, Melbourne West, Newcastle, and Wangara branches and in our mailboxes. However, you will still see our old brands on our fleet, documents, packaging, online and marketing material while we progressively make these look-and-feel changes across our entire business.
We expect to have everything updated and rebranded by Q4 2023.
Although we are excited about our new brand and name change it will not impact how you conduct business with us. We are the same team, and we will continue to provide the same high-quality service you expect from the faces you know and trust.
We look forward to working with you to promote our flexible, service-orientated philosophy and unparalleled ‘Lifting KnowHow’ in 2023.
We will keep you informed of any changes as they occur, but if you have any questions, please email info@certexlifting.com.au.